Thursday 25 September 2014

she will start in November

We went to the pre-school yesterday to have a look around.

Evie enjoyed it there and was playing with the building blocks while another girl wanted to knock down the towers that Evie was building ;o)

We were showed around the room... had several "areas"...

there was a sand box (Evie loves sand boxes) and she was happily playing in there too

there was a water table that had some girls world heads in for them to wash and brush their hair

there was a quiet corner (which a little boy was in as he was upset about being left there by his Mummy), there was someone there with him stroking his back to make him feel better.  They told me that the previous day he had calmed down half an hour later and was then happily playing so that was good to know.

a climbing frame

and an indoor garden where they have picnics and pretend barbeques ;o)

and there is a little side room with toddler cubicles for the ones who are potty trained.

They take them over to the infant school everyday so that the kiddies can use the playground so that is good.

Anyway she has her two settling in sessions at the beginning of November after the half term holiday and I now have a few forms to fill in!


Eileen H said...

No need to worry Evie will have a lovely time there.
My two loved nursery school, they weren't so keen on high school :)

chocolat lover said...

I know that she will love it ;o)